Home:ALL Converter>Creating a masked array in Python with multiple given values

Creating a masked array in Python with multiple given values

Ask Time:2012-06-22T04:27:51         Author:Josiah

Json Formatter

I am graphing several columns of a large array of data (through numpy.genfromtxt) against an equally sized time column. Missing data is often referred to as nan, -999, -9999, etc. However I can't figure out how to remove multiple values from the array. This is what I currently have:

for cur_col in range(start_col, total_col):
    # Generate what is to be graphed by removing nan values
    data_mask = (file_data[:, cur_col] != nan_values)
    y_data = file_data[:, cur_col][data_mask]
    x_data = file_data[:, time_col][data_mask]

After which point I use matplotlib to create the appropriate figures for each column. This works fine if the nan_values is a single integer, but I am looking to use a list.

EDIT: Here is a working example.

import numpy as np

file_data = np.arange(12.0).reshape((4,3))
file_data[1,1] = np.nan
file_data[2,2] = -999
nan_values = -999

for cur_col in range(1,3):
    # Generate what is to be graphed by removing nan values
    data_mask = (file_data[:, cur_col] != nan_values)
    y_data = file_data[:, cur_col][data_mask]
    x_data = file_data[:, 0][data_mask]
    print 'y: ' + str(y_data)
    print 'x: ' + str(x_data)
print file_data

>>> y: [  1.  nan   7.  10.]
    x: [ 0.  3.  6.  9.]
    y: [  2.   5.  11.]
    x: [ 0.  3.  9.]
    [[   0.    1.    2.]
    [   3.   nan    5.]
    [   6.    7. -999.]
    [   9.   10.   11.]]

This will not work if nan_values = ['nan', -999] which is what I am looking to accomplish.

Author:Josiah,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11146229/creating-a-masked-array-in-python-with-multiple-given-values
user545424 :

I would suggest using masked arrays like so:\n\n>>> a = np.arange(12.0).reshape((4,3))\n>>> a[1,1] = np.nan\n>>> a[2,2] = -999\n>>> a\narray([[ 0., 1., 2.],\n [ 3., nan, 5.],\n [ 6., 7., -999.],\n [ 9., 10., 11.]])\n>>> m = np.ma.array(a,mask=(~np.isfinite(a) | (a == -999)))\n>>> m\nmasked_array(data =\n [[0.0 1.0 2.0]\n [3.0 -- 5.0]\n [6.0 7.0 --]\n [9.0 10.0 11.0]],\n mask =\n [[False False False]\n [False True False]\n [False False True]\n [False False False]],\n fill_value = 1e+20)\n",